man in the mirror

Tuesday morning. An especially good day because I get to go to Hospice and help. A good day because after Hospice I will go and get a treatment. Hospice went as expected, although I got to spend some time with patients that I don’t always get. I like when I can just sit and visit with someone for a minute. No heavy counseling, no advice, just visit like regular folks.
After I got done with hospice I had about forty-five minutes to kill before I had to be at the clinic, so I went to a nearby pizzeria because they sell by the slice. I got there, ordered a slice and a Sprite, and sat there enjoying what is to me, a perfect fall day. About 70 degrees, clear sky, and low humidity. I enjoyed my slice and about half way through, the guy behind the counter comes over and says, “that was a small slice, I’ve got another one in the oven for you”. Yes. As I’m enjoying the second slice, I happen to look up and to the left, into a wall sized mirror that takes one whole wall in the place. I saw an aging, balding gentleman chewing. I thought, “is that me”? Turns out it was. I gave myself a small wave, and thought “he’s turning into a pretty decent guy”.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt as if you were looking at a stranger? Like you were detached and separate from the reflection looking back at you. I hope so, because it happens to me all the time. If I’m the only one, I may have to seek counseling … I like when it happens because it gives me a moment to see myself without  the preconceived baggage that we carry, about who we are. Sometimes it feels like I’m looking at a complete stranger. Other times I’m simply surprised that I’m not still eighteen with a full head of hair, and other times, it’s just me.
How are you getting along with the man/woman in the mirror? Do you like the reflection of the person looking back at you? Not the actual reflection, but who that reflection represents. Maybe the next time you check and see that person, you can just give them a wave and a smile, because we can’t be good for anyone else, if we’re not in a good relationship with me.

Thanks for listening

4 thoughts on “man in the mirror

  1. Bro E– you are one wizened dude. I love what you write, I love the style, I love the iambic pentameter or whatever style you are mesmerizing us with.

    Just shocked you aren’t some English professor at Tufts or some other high-brow bastion of higher learning.

    Just keep doing what you are doing and be blessed in all this as you are blessing us.


  2. Your blogs continue to make me realize I need to stop & look at things differently. Here I just thought all your inspirational ideas were part of the Camino walk but now I’ve come to realize that it’s just you. Keep up the positive attitude!

  3. Hi Eric,

    I have your website bookmarked as a favorite and look forward to checking it every day! I want you to know that your writings are a wonder to me. I do not have cancer, I have no physical maladies, albeit the sting of arthritis which lets me know I am not a young woman now, but I too am searching for a way to be simply happy, joyful and thankful. Your words resonate deeply with me. I’m gonna go wave and smile at myself now! Thank you Eric.

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