Killing dandelions

Spring has sprung. Not to say there won’t be a couple of pop up weather situations that will make us groan, but for the most part, we’re here. Hope you had a tolerable winter. I know that for myself with the therapies I was on, I didn’t enjoy winter much this year. I’m trying to make up for it now that spring is here.
I hope you are making the most of this time of year, and like me, have found an activity that gets you outside enjoying the fresh air and getting a little dirty. I hunt dandelions in the yard in the morning, trying to keep everything pretty while all around me, the forces of the Great Dandelion gather and spread. I putter around in the gardens making sure everything is ready for the great arising just around the corner.
I couldn’t help but reflect on how much pulling dandelions is like my life. All the things I do   expecting they will stay done, I find that I have to revisit and redo   tomorrow or the next day. With weeds you kind of expect it, but with life we have a tendency to think that a job done, is done once and for all don’t we. It irritates us when we have to correct something we just “fixed” the other day. But like weeds, life is an endless circle of doing and then doing again.
Don’t be discouraged. Everything is a circle, a cycle if you will. You fix something in your relationships today, and you will be doing it again soon. Can’t escape it.
Perhaps the key is to expect change and be ready for it. Know that you will correct your kids for the same thing you got on them today, soon. Perhaps knowing that the cycle will repeat itself can allow us to prepare for it in our hearts so when it does reappear we can handle it calmly and with an open heart and compassionate spirit.
That’s what I do with the dandelions. They pop up, I dig out. Today, tomorrow.

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