
Being relatively new to the Catholic Church, there are many things that fascinate me as I learn the tenets and traditions of the faith, but nothing quite like Advent. This is a season that just started last Sunday and will continue  to/through Christmas day. I have been trying to do some research on the subject so I could sound like I knew what I was talking about, but so far haven’t found the magic book. My basic understanding will have to do since that’s what I rely on anyway.
Beginning last Sunday we will be spending half the time between now and Christmas day preparing for the feast of Christmas by absorbing the cold outside and identifying with any cold that lies within our souls. We spend this first part contemplating the darkness within and giving this darkness over to God. About halfway through this period we begin to see that as the days are about to start getting longer again, so too the light is available for our souls. We begin to prepare for the feast that STARTS on December 25th and goes for twelve days. “The Twelve Days of Christmas” isn’t just a song. Finally on December 25th, we celebrate the birth of Christ with food, and song and family.
I bring this up, because quite frankly I like it as an alternative to what the business community on this globe offers. Spend, spend, spend. Buy, buy, buy. I like to give my children and loved ones gifts as much as the next guy, but I don’t think it should be the basis of a holiday that has it’s beginnings in antiquity.
Prepare yourself. Do a little reading about the early celebrations of Christmas starting in the  4th and 5th centuries. Get some good out of this shopping nightmare.

Peace to you and yours,

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