Why are we surprised?

I received this email this morning. It was sent to a long list of men I meet with on Saturday mornings. In part it says:
“Hi friends, I am asking for your prayers. A family member of mine has 4 kids and struggles financially. They work hard, but ends don’t always meet. A family member of theirs is going to prison for drugs and child abuse, now leaving 3 kids behind ages 7,6,4. My family is taking in those 3 kids so they don’t become wards of the state. They only came with the clothes on their back. The kids needed clothes, beds and a lot of help from the life they have experienced. The stories are awful.The oldest girl, Emma, doesn’t sleep well because she is used to her younger brothers crying. She doesn’t want baby dolls because she takes care of her brothers and that is enough. The middle boy, Jack, hides his clothes because he is used to everything he has being taken from him …”
Quite frankly, I was amazed that I had a first reaction to this as strong as I did. How often do we hear stories like this? Once a week? Every other day? And of course it always seems like we hear more of them this time of year, while the sad reality is, this kind of thing  happens every day all over this planet. I wish I had an answer, but I don’t. At least nothing that fixes this today. When I read this story earlier today, I snatched a couple of gift cards and ran them over to PeeWee who will be leading a coordinated charge in this case.  But I couldn’t help but wonder, how many other places is this same story playing out and we don’t even hear about it? I know some of you reading this are not in the Cincinnati area. Let me suggest this to you, and really to anyone reading this post. If “He who cannot be Named”, so favors you with the knowledge of a situation like this with people you are familiar with, consider doing two things. One, find out if gift cards for groceries, or clothes would be helpful. If yes, consider a gift that you can afford. Secondly, sincerely pray the following words, …”Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven …” because I think until that day comes, this will never stop.
I’m not one to  believe in pie in the sky, but when I hear of the ugliness perpetrated against kids everyday, I can’t help but wish for a better way. Clearly the way we have chosen is not getting the job done.
In the meantime, find some time in your Sacred place and sit quietly, holding these and all children in your heart, and by extension, His.

Thanks for listening.

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